Pleasantville Baptist Church is now open for services at our physical location. Each service will still be live-streamed at the normally scheduled service times. You can join us and watch by using Facebook, and streaming when the service goes live. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can still view the streaming service by clicking the link to the right. The link will take you to our public Facebook page. Once there, scroll down until you see the live service.

Our Church
Pleasantville Baptist Church is a growing church located in Pleasantville, Iowa. We are centrally located between Knoxville, Indianola, Melcher-Dallas, Carlisle, and are less than 30 minutes from the capital city of Des Moines. We are an Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church with a zeal for the lost. We conduct many outreach ministries each week with the purpose of winning the lost to Christ. There is something for everyone at PBC and we invite you to attend our services and find a church home that you will grow to love and a church home that will help you to grow in Christ.
Our Pastor
Pastor A.J. Potter came with his family to Pleasantville Baptist Church in September 2009. Pastor Potter grew up in Bear Lake, MI. His father was the Pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Bear Lake. As a teenager, God called Pastor Potter to go into the full time ministry. The Lord led him to Fairhaven Baptist College in Chesterton, IN to continue and complete his educational training. Upon graduating in 2002 God called him to the ministry of the Ottumwa Baptist Temple. Late in 2008 the Lord began to work in his heart about going into the position of a full time Pastor. Following the leading of the Lord, Pastor Potter accepted the invitation by the members of Pleasantville Baptist Church in September of 2009 to become their Pastor.

Times and Location
Sunday School - 9:45am Sunday Morning Service - 10:45am
Sunday Evening Service - 6:00pm Wednesday Evening Service - 7:00pm
430 Highway 92
Pleasantville, IA